Thursday, October 9, 2008


No, your eyes do not deceive you, there is in fact a New Thing(TM) on the side of this blog. That's right, I have embraced that lazy cousin of blogging, tweeting. That's right, you can now look forward to 140 character comments any time I care to describe an amusing hat I saw, or an amazing shit I took, or have come up with a Japanese version of a popular movie title, or any other fantastic witticism I have to share with the world. Don't expect me to update it too often, as my thoughts can rarely be condensed into 140 letters, spaces, and marks of punctuation. However, it certainly will be used to signal my army of trained bears to begin buggering all the members of Congress and key members of White House staff in preparation for my coup d'etat. When you see me twert the phrase, "Have a bear-y nice day," be sure to be prepared for the oncoming revolution.

Until next time, cats and kittens, I do hope you have a wonderful day.

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